Are integrated amps technically better than separates?

I'm assuming we are talking same class of amplifier and the integrated has the features you want. I'm thinking the integrated could actually be an improvement over separates due to being a more "direct" connection. Taking away the flexibility factor of separates, is my line of thinking correct?

Showing 1 response by corgidog59

I have owned separates (PS Audio BHK Amp and pre Amp). I now own a Luxman L509 integrated Amp.  Can I / could I tell the difference? Not a chance.  They both sound great.  Not convinced most people could differentiate between the two.  Another thing that needs to be mentioned is the volume I listen to music.  Unlike a visit to an audio store where we crank up the volume on equipment we are auditioning, I don't listen to recordings at anywhere near that level.  So that alone makes it tough to evaluate the performance of one's equipment - separates or integrated.  At the end of the day, I determined that the place to get the most bang for the listening buck are speakers.