Are integrated amps technically better than separates?

I'm assuming we are talking same class of amplifier and the integrated has the features you want. I'm thinking the integrated could actually be an improvement over separates due to being a more "direct" connection. Taking away the flexibility factor of separates, is my line of thinking correct?

Showing 1 response by bigkidz

he first statement is true. The second needs more explanation; as far as I can see its false. Regarding the first statement, over the years I've found that a lot of the improvements I've been able to make in our gear have related to power supplies. Arguably that's one of the trickier things that goes on in an integrated amp; IME it outweighs many of the other circuit topography issues! I totally get the connectivity issue- that is an advantage. But in most cases, its not *enough* of an advantage.

I have to agree.  In our components we have large power supplies.  Why, they sound better.  We repair all types of equipment and as already stated, much of the upgrades are in the power supply section.  I wish that could be accomplished differently but so far, we have not heard something that can replace a well designed and built power supply.  Out DAC has a 30 pound power supply.