Are extended warranties necessary on plasmas?

I was considering purchasing a 42 inch plasma last week for around $2000. The salesman strongly recommeded the extended warranty, at a cost of $500. I backed off because something seemed very wrong with a 25% markup for a warranty. The unit came with a 90 day warranty for labor and 1 year for parts. Has anyone had or seen any lemons that tanked out before the manufacturers warranty expired? Has anyone ever have a plasma repaired? If so, what was the cost?

Showing 1 response by larryi

Most extended warranties are a big money maker for the issuer, and therefore, a ripoff for the consumer. However, if I were to consider one, it would be for a plasma. That is because a failure of the panel, whether catastrophic, or more than a few pixels gone bad, means the set is a goner. The bulk of the expense is in the panel.

I have actually know a few people whose sets died from a panel failure that occurred well into the life of the set. But, I understand this is not so much of a problem these days as it was earlier on. On balance, I would be in the no extended warranty camp, unless the dealer was offering a very good price.