Are CD players dead

I went to an audiophile meeting today and the owner of the store said Cd's and cd players are dead. He said you need to start learning about computer audio or you will be left behind. Is what he is saying true?

Showing 1 response by levy03

it's close....but not yet for audio geeks at least. i've got a pretty good computer audio set up (ps audio pwd/bridge streaming from my pc). it does sound good but is trumped by the my pwt. redbook cd's and hi res discs (via dvd-a)both sound better to my ears in my system. sometimes the difference is very slight...other times it's more obvious. this being said, for none critical listening, my computer set-up is plenty good and the convenience just can't be beat.

for the average Joe....i think computer audio is ready for prime time. for high end critical listening...there is still some work to do imho. it seems the firmware for my pwd/bridge can effect the sound so i'm hopeful the gap can be "bridged" fairly soon with new/better firmware. close but no cigar yet is my verdict.