Are CD clubs a good deal?

I have never joined a CD/Record club. Anyone belong to one and is there a catch?

Showing 2 responses by tireguy

Matt8268- Actually there are more benefits to sticking it out then signing up time and time again. For example the music points program which allows you to get more free music based on your previous purchases. And many sales that come your way- buy one at regular price(17.99) and get unlimited for 1.99ea. etc... still a great deal! and you get music points to boot! Also the program I am in with BMG there are NO unsoliceted cd offerings, for a long time it was free shipping as well but like most good things that ended long ago :( All being said I enjoy my BMG membership an aweful lot, and due to the lower cost I have bought a lot of music I wouldn't have tried other wise.
IF you guys are into classical its a great place to get it from, some(read some not most or all) of the stuff they get is the real deal. All Telarc CD's I have gotten over the years from BMG do NOT have the little Mfg. For BMG... on the UPC code- and every now and again you get a regular type cd that doesn't have it, it seems very label dependent. On my last order(15 cd's) I had 6 that had the Mfg for BMG... marking on it- not bad odds seeing as even with shipping the average price of a cd was 6.87- though even I will admit your NOT going to find XRCD quality cd's at BMG- when you want the really special stuff you gotta pay for it :(