Are CD clubs a good deal?

I have never joined a CD/Record club. Anyone belong to one and is there a catch?

Showing 2 responses by marakanetz

It's OK to be a BMG member for great quantity deals, but in reality their product is sold for what it's worth + shipping(nearly$2.50 for each).

I used to be a BMG and Columbia House club member and as soon as I received the package deal and complete my club duty to buy one or two CDs I immediately quit that club and waited for another inivtation back with 12CDs. Also you can benefit signing up friends and relatives(your mom, dad, daughter, girlfriend, wife yeah, including members of your family) in order to get even larger bundles of CDs at once and so maintain them as well as a customers as soon as "they" complete their club duties etc...etc...etc... I even signed up guests that came to me to pay a short visit from overseas and maintained their accounts and accepted the phone calls from BMG for them! Imagine if you signed up 4...5 family members or relatives you'll get 12 cds from each 4 CDs as a gift for each member signed at once! If you're at the same time in both clubs than add another bundle! And everything with average price arround $4. For illiterate overseas customer with morst-often cheap or pocket CD-players and moreover sealed it seems a great deal for overall price arround $10 per piece.

Business is business. Personal collection is personal collection. I have there originals only
Whenever I bid on CD I'd always ask if it's not from BMG or Columbia House.

If you compare the original CD and BMG remanufactured you will realize where the truth lies.
I even heard the difference in mobile stereo between the club and store versions no $hit!

As to Columbia House they realy cary an original versions compared to BMG.