Are cables really worth their high price because of their geometry?

They’re some pricey cables that have claim to fame because of the high tech geometry used in their cables.
Many of these cables have patents on specific geometry patterns used in their cables and use this as a reason their cables sound so good. For that reason, many say the reason their cables cost so much is they’re so complex . The man hours to make a pr results in their high price. That maybe true for some cables, but I’ve seen very pricey cables using the same geometry reason that look like a thin piece of wire rapped in outer jacket no thicker than a pencil. So,Is all this geometry just another way to justify their cost or is it true science that we are paying in the end?

Showing 17 responses by pesky_wabbit

I don‘t know whether it’s their geometry, and I don‘t care, but getting a full set of Cardas Gold Reference interconnects at knockdown prices from Parts Connexion was probably one of the best audio investments I have ever made.
A huge upgrade from Blue Jeans, and have revealed every upgrade I have made in spades. They appear very clear in comparison and do not seem to impose to impose any signature of their own which masks changes I make.
It was easy to get a handle on the Blue Jean‘s sonic signature. Not these. Worth every penny and more.
Investing in decent interconnects has saved me big bucks in the long run. They have enabled me to hear and enjoy almost exactly what I am buying upstream, not some filtered, dynamically compressed facsimile thereof. Had I not, I could have made some choices I would have regretted later down the track.
Please don‘t hijack this thread and resurrect that tired old thread here. I think it has run its course. We already know you are the kenjit of speaker cables.
I always look for an interconnect that is dynamically unconstrained and has the transparency which allows my system to exhibit chameleon like properties with respect to different components and recordings.
The best cable I have in that regard is some ungodly expensive Nordstrom interconnect I luckily got for a song, which effectively does the disappearing act to tee.
To those who think that all wire sounds the same, you are lucky.
I have the lower end Kimber Select (all copper)ICs in my system, linking Plinius amp to pre and linking Oppo 95 to pre. Is it my ear that will tell if I jump to Analysis Plus Apex Silver, that this was a good spend to upgrade my musical experience?
Thanks A
Considering that they and your bank balance are the only things that will be affected after their purchase, I would definitely say yes.
If they offer a more open window to the musical performance that you feel is commensurate with, or (if you are lucky) exceeds their cost buy them.
Try some alternatives before you make your final decision.
You have already started your own SECOND thread on this subject ‘How to Select a Good Speaker Cable’ in case anybody is interested. Just because hardly anybody has shown any real interest there doesn’t mean they will show any here. Why don’t you leave discussions on your obsession back on your own thread where they belong and quit hijacking this one?
High end cables are a hoax
I am delighted I was hoodwinked. Enjoy the outcomes of your belief system.
I just put a Michelin Pilot Super Sport low Profile tire on my wheelbarrow and it didn‘t make any difference to its performance at all. What a con !
All expensive tires are snake oil.
I find that hard to believe. What pressure are you running?
All you car nuts are just the same - refusing to accept the reality that a set of Walmart Bridgestones will perform just as well as a your fancy low profile European imports.
You wanna hear my new triple DNA helix quantum tunneling interconnects.
I plan to make a fortune..............
Is anybody other than me wondering whether the letters icu after b4 have any significance?
During recent experiments I have found that using speaker cables incorporating my triple DNA helix geometry and applying quantum tunneling superconductive technology you can go down as far as 20ga and still have superior control over speakers than the thickest of conventional cables.
They make everything that has come before totally obsolete.