I'm curious if anyone has tried having a multi-way sub array with several small subs throughout the room and one big one that only plays the lowest notes. If you give a big sub a gradual rolloff starting at 30 or 35 hz it's less likely to have negative interactions with the room in the higher frequencies that tend to have the most problems. Then add a bunch of smaller, cheaper subs that rolloff above 30 or 35hz. It'd be a hassle but might get the most bang for the buck.
I've got a tiny psb subseries 100 that sounds fantastic but has very limited dynamics and extension. There's a used one on ebay for around $100. I might be able to buy 10 small subs for not that much money. Having a whole bunch would even out room response everywhere but the lowest bass. The limited dynamics would be greatly improved by having a whole bunch of them.