Are audiophiles still out of their minds?

I've been in this hobby for 30 years and owned many gears throughout the years, but never that many cables.  I know cables can make a difference in sound quality of your system, but never dramatic like changing speakers, amplifiers, or even more importantly room treatment. Yes, I've evaluated many vaunted cables at dealers and at home over the years, but never heard dramatic effect that I would plunk $5000 for a cable. The most I've ever spent was $2700 for pair of speaker cables, and I kinda regret it to this day.  So when I see cable manufacturers charging 5 figures for their latest and "greatest" speaker cables, PC, and ICs, I have to ask myself who buys this stuff. Why would you buy a $10k+ cable, when there are so many great speakers, amplifiers, DACs for that kind of money, or room treatment that would have greater effect on your systems sound?  May be I'm getting ornery with age, like the water boy says in Adam Sandler's movie.

Showing 44 responses by jl35

but would properly a chosen $100k cable system  not make a 7 figure system in a dedicated architecturally designed room sound better?  I sure don't know...
 I have never compared cables on a $100k+ amp or $100k+ speakers...I have never heard a system that expensive...I sort of assume that for those who spend $!00k on cables, that that is relative pocket change to them...
Al did a superb job of summing up the issue in an earlier thread he previously mentioned.  Interesting that none of the commenters on 10K+ cables and expensive fuses has mentioned any experience listening to and comparing them...
fortunately we each get to listen to cables and other products and buy the ones we want to buy...
they don't have to justify and they probably sell very few $100k cabling systems
didn't mean to downplay the great charitable work of Gates...but good people have very expensive toys when they're super wealthy
$100k cabling for a 7 figure system and room might be a good fit if well matched. As to the societal ethics of seven figure systems...though many would say the same for $2700 cables and Raidho, Quad, Carver, Bedini in one home...
I'm sure they get a good discount as part of a seven figure system and room rebuild
I read long ago that Gates had a Wilson Wamm he used some pretty good cables...sure has a nice house...I was outraged the first time I compared interconnects and liked the $150 Museatex more than the $15 Signet...
I had Transparent XL and Super MM2 for 8 years, at a $50 total cost after I sold them
Transparent Ultra XL I meant to say. Yes, I am aware of the great markup in general terms. I also found these expensive cables to sound better than the dozen less expensive ones I compared them to. I wanted to like the cheap ones better. I thought of it as giving myself a loan, enjoying the cables, then getting my money back. That's the great thing about used cables, the price goes down steep and fast, then holds value for years. So encourage those that don't care about the cost to keep buying expensive new cables...
I think that is why there are such good deals from direct sale cable manufacturers. I assumed every one knew the cable markup, like movie popcorn and coke, on a way greater scale. 
actually some of those guys are engineers. and if you buy the cable used, you can sell for very little loss after a few years. is the percentage markup greater the more expensive the cable? I know nothing of the business model. I never worry about the guys who spend a fortune on new cables. if not for them, we couldn't buy used cables.
Curious as to which cheap cables you felt sounded as good as your Ridge Streets 
Al's post above on cables, should automatically be placed at the beginning of all cables is a thoroughly excellent summation of all relevant points...
to get back to your original question. I think the people who buy $10k cables are the people who buy $100k amps, $100k digital gear, $100k analog, $100k speakers. my guess is very few $100k cables systems are ever sold. little time to worry about the expenditures of the ultra wealthy...
there seems to be a lot of concern that wealthy audiophiles not be duped...
and there is the bias of wanting the cheaper products to sound better so that we will not have to buy or be tempted to buy the more expensive product...when a friend brings over an expensive cable or tweak I always hope I don't like it...
I assume all products are sold at the price the manufacturer believes will maximize profit over the life of the product...
the path is an interesting question, in part because there are hundreds of products available and thousands of potential combinations, so we all have to find a way to try what we can, knowing we can never try most products or combinations...
vs someone who buys $10k speakers and slaps on cheap cables without auditioning, simply assuming cables don't matter...
if you have loads of money and the $10k cables sound best to you after auditioning many cables at different prices on your $100k speakers...
I too have trouble understanding how a power cord can have the same list price as a Honda Civic. On the other hand, if someone wants to build them and someone wants to buy them, so be it...
while I think we generally agree on cables Drac, I don't assume the purchasers of $10K cables are fools or the manufacturer scammers...
for me Drac, the key is the auditioning, deciding by what sounds best to you, within the constraints of your budget...
I felt it would be a tragic waste of my awesome Dali Speakers and Pass Amp to not get the best sounding cable I could afford,  and that would have good resale value...I never thought about what the cables I auditioned cost to develop, manufacture, market and distribute...
I love the Mapleshade Double Golden Helix Plus, still use my pair, but found in my main system that Transparent Super MM2 sounded much better...don't know that they sound 400% better though...
there are many expensive cables I do not like and many inexpensive ones I like very much, but I have never heard a $2k cable that didn't sound better than a coat hangar, regardless of metal used in the hangar...
Nordost has been around a long time.  Someone must be buying their cables. Any idea how many of their top of the line stuff they sell? How many $40,000 pairs of speaker cables are sold in a year? Transparent Audio makes some great low and mid price cables...never tried Nordost

Why does Nordost and some others bother you so much? no one has to buy their stuff...
not to mention the many who do not have to choose...they can do the $4k room treatment, a batch of $10k-40k cables, and $100k+ components...without concern with how much these items cost to produce...
is there ever a correlation to cost and price with luxury items for the wealthy ?
one of the most interesting points you refer to, is that many want their system to make lousy recordings sound good, or make all recordings sound the opposed to your system presenting the sound as recorded...