Are audiophile products designed to initially impress then fatigue to make you upgrade?

If not why are many hardly using the systems they assembled, why are so many upgrading fairly new gear that’s fully working? Seems to me many are designed to impress reviewers, show-goers, short-term listeners, and on the sales floor but once in a home system, in the long run, they fatigue users fail to engage and make you feel something is missing so back you go with piles of cash.


Showing 1 response by tcotruvo

Changes in technology are moving very quickly compared to the past. Manufacturers might be competing to make upgraded equipment at a reasonable cost rather than a build quality that will last many years.  Especially if what is being made today will be outdated in a few years.  Also service/repair costs seem to be increasing at a higher rate, which would favor buying something new instead of fixing on old item.  So again, the focus might not be on longevity. We also live in a throw away society…not everyone, but in general.