Arcam or Rega CDP

Hi. I am in the process of purchasing a new CDP. My Onix 88 CDP died and need to replace. The sad story is that I had bought a Arcam 73 but it came damaged. So I'm back at it. I have gone through the agon threads and read the various on-line reviews but an looking for some advice. My system below"

Ody Stratos Amp
Conrad- Johnsom PV-12 pre amp
GMA Europa Speakers
Part Express sub-woofer
Wadia I70 IPOD transport w/ BelCanto 2 DAC
Monarchy DIP

While the Onix was a nice cdp, esp for the price, I upgraded the op-amps and it could resolve my complaints were two-fold: weak bass, and a bit of brightness or forwardness. I sit within an eight foot triangle to the speakers and it can be uncomfortable.
I primarily listen to jazz, standards, and motown, as well as a bit of country and 60's rock.
Looking at Arcam and Rega at around $650 . But am open and interested in your suggestions or advice.
Thanks much and have a great weekend. Dave
Thanks guys! I appreciate your comments abd thoughts. I'm leaning at this point toward the Rega Apollo. What I walked away with about the Arcam is its lean sound. Don't know if it would complement the system. I've also heard that the Arcam are senstive to ICs. Haven't really thought about the Cambridge but I'll do some homework on it. I'll keep you posted on what I decide. Take Care, Dave
Wow! I have a very similar front end - Odyssey Stratos HT3 (for 3 front channels of combo 2-ch/HT system) and C-J PV-11 preamp. My current CDP is the entry level Rotel RCD-02. While it is a decent player, sound from other sources (A/V pre-pro, turntable, etc.), suggests that I need to upgrade the player (or get a better DAC). Sorry I can't help more, but I would say your ideas are good ones. Also look for used Cambridge Audio 740, Marantz 8001 or 8003 - which should be in your price range. Make sure the interconnects and power cord are respectable, too.
I have an Arcam 7SE which I find very nice. It wasn't till I found the right IC that really made the system sound just perfect to my ears. (Modified Tara Labs 55 IC) I'm sure you can find a really nice Arcam CDP in your price range.