Arcam or Marantz?

I can purchase a new Arcam AVR300 or second-hand Marantz SR-9300 receiver for about the same money. Does anyone have any views on the particular merits of these two units, particularly for two-channel music? I would be particularly interested in comments on each receiver's preamp sections, and on the quality of the internal amps.

Surround sound/home theater is less important to me, but still a consideration, so any opinions on the receivers' capabilities in this area would also be interesting. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by ozz

Acording to widescreen review the Arcam AVR300 is on par or better with seperates in the upper area of the dollar figures.(EAD, Lexicon,Theta,Krell). Also said that the analog section and the amplifiers are superb.

There is a new Pre/pro from arcam being released pretty soon based on technology of this reciever(AVR700). I might even sell my Ead and buy this one myself.(ugly equipment though).