Arcam fmj cd23 vs cd33

Which do you prefer? Why?
CD23 with ring DAC with HDCD
CD33 with WM8740 stereo DAC without HDCD

Assume that the price and condition is about the same (for used).

Showing 5 responses by stilljd

I own the cd23, an Alpha 9, and auditioned the cd33 when it came out. I liked the 23 and Alpha 9 better and still have them. The HDCD is handy also.

But beware, if the 23's DAC goes out, you may not be able to get a replacement. You can e-mail Arcam support to verify. They are really good about answering.

Jim S.

No, I haven't heard of a ring DAC going bad, but I don't personally know a lot of people with that player.

"I wonder how many people would care about fixing a DAC when it goes wrong in a CD player".

Good point. I like the cd23 and alpha9 players well enough that I would certainly look into it if something went wrong.

Good luck on whichever your choice is.

Jim S.

"see your Arcam dealer for a demonstration of the latest model".

The change is sad. I have had the little Alpha 10 amps and an Alpha 10 integrated, along with the players, for almost ten years. Arcam and the local dealer have supported them well, when needed, during that period. For the money I think the equipment is pretty sound. I would hope that they never stop supporting their older gear.

Jim S.

Points well made. I don't have a great interest in true HT (yet) and didn't consider it in that context.

I wonder if Arcam was having a hard time getting "mainstream" HT folks to buy into the more complex multi box set-up? I remember reading a review of the P1's when they first came out and it was promoting a 7.1 system with 7 mono amps. Might have scared some customers off.

Jim S.
2nd the apology for the hijack.

Glad you are enjoying your "new" player.

Jim S.