Arcam A32 vs. ML 383, Macintosh MA6900, YBA, other

I have very much put a freeze on my system for a little while but my next upgrade (humm) could be a new integrated, of course, if I can hear an appreciable improvement. Has anyone compared the A32 or maybe A85 to the Mark levinson 383 or Macintosh MA6900, YBA or other?

I am driving a pair of B&W N805s with it.

I am in México, so it is hard to get dealers to audition equipment but may get to listen to a ML 383 in the near future. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by jasper

BAT VK300X Absolute sounds 2nd best integrated ever reviewed. 4000.-6000. depending on options. The best integrated costs 20000.00 I have heard the Bat , it is truly amazing.