ARC SP11 vs ARC LS22 ???

Can anyone who had the opportunity to listen to the both tell me what he thinks about those preamps ?

Is the old famous SP11 always competitive in front of more recent ARC products ?

Thanxs for your help,
Best regards,

It seems that many peole do not like this preamp, but I sometimes listen some good point of views about it....

As a generality, I find it very hard to get a common point of view about ARC preamps : for a same products, many people like it, whereas many people hate it.

I just noticed two things : I haven't found bad comments about SP11 and most of the time, the LS25 is well appreciated.

That's why I was hesitating between those both.
And since someone told me that LS22 was really near the LS25, then I ask the question beetween the SP11 and the LS22.

What would you recommand me as for an ARC preamp ?
(I own a Pass Aleph amplifier, that is hard to make work).

What do you think about current LS16 et SP16 products ?

Thanxs for your help,
Hi Steve, I've had the LS-22. I must say it is too colored, midrange sounds bloated. There is also some upper midrange emphasis that can make music sounding harsh. I think using a tube Conrad-Johnson preamp, a better ARC preamp like the LS-25, the Reference One or Two or a good solid state one could ameliorates these problems. I'm not familiair with the LS-16.
Thank Dassdax for your help.

I'd like to get my first tube-component and, since I've already listened to the ARC SP16 (that I'd appreciate a lot), I know I like the ARC sound, that's why I look into that direction.

I've been told of Conrad-Johnson, but since I've never listen to it, I really don't know if it would nice to my hears. So it's hard for me to consider something else that an ARC (for the moment.)

Nevertheless, you are a supplementary person that found the LS22 not so good, I won't probably not choose this one.

I have compared the LS-25 MKII to the Ref MKII. The Ref was more lush in the mids, more extended in frequency and more musical overall, but at the list price, a lot of $$$ for a little more improvement. The CJ LS-17 MKII ( the one that is around $4-$5K ) was not as detailed as the LS-25 MKII but had a more lush mid range, more tube sound with more rounded bass notes, etc. Combine both and you'd have a great preamp. There are several tube preamps that I would personally like to try, the H-Cat with the newer features, the First Sound (just check out the volume control in one of these units. As for used components, the ARC LS-5 (I think that is the one most prefer), Counterpoint SA-5 & SA-5000, Sonic Frontiers model 3 and Aud Ill 3A. The AI 3As go for a song used and with NOS tubes are a great bang for the buck.

Happy Listening.
I auditioned the LS22 some years ago and thought it dreadful. The ARC SP9MkIII which I still own was far preferable. The Reference products mentioned by others all sounded great to me, but were too dear. I'm sorry I can't comment on the SP11, except to say that it's the same hybrid era as the SP9 and has a great reputation - they still sell for high amounts in Australia. Cheers, Rob.