ARC SP11 Mk2: Trouble free... up till now.

Today as I was running errands, for some reason I had The Allman Brothers' "In Memory of Elizabeth Reed" from their Fillmore East LP pop into my head. As I hadn't heard it for years, when I got home I fixed myself a lovely Manhattan while the stereo was warming up. 

When I sat down to listen, nothing. Zip, zero, nada... I quickly narrowed the trouble down to my ARC SP11 Mk2: The Auto Mute didn't cycle. I powered things down and recycled the power. No change. I let the preamp sit for 15 minutes. No change. The relay would click but the AM light stayed on telling me it hadn't really cycled properly. <sigh>

So I'll have to call ARC on Monday to get some boxes for shipping (mine didn't come with proper boxes) and get in line for service. I guess I can't complain considering they were built in 1987 and as far as I can tell this one hasn't had any work done to it. 

The upside (Hopefully!) is that I'll go to my storage unit tomorrow and finally get my pop's Jadis RC JP80 MC Mk.II preamplifier and see if that will come to life in the interim. 

Happy listening.


Nearly 40 years... probably time for a tune up anyway.

I had one of that era... and it worked for me for a couple decades, I gave it to a friend for whom it worked until his father came over an did something really stupid an blew out a channel... that was at 30+ years.