ARC Reference 6 Paired with Cary Monoblock Amps?

I’m looking at acquiring a used Audio Research Reference 6 preamp. I’m impressed by reviews that note how quiet they are. Since it’s used, I won’t be able to bring it home on a demo basis so the stakes are high and I want to have some confidence that it will fit seamlessly into my system.

I’m driving GoldenEar Triton One tower speakers with two Cary Audio CAD-805RS mono block amps rated at about 70 watts of Class A power. Not huge, but the amps drive the Triton Ones just fine. PS Audio products (DAC, SACD transport, power regenerator) round out the system.

I’m curious what others think about the compatibility of the ARC preamp with my system, particularly the amps?


Thank you all for weighing in. Bought the Ref 6 and am absolutely delighted with it! I’m hearing details that I never heard before in some of my “test” tracks.

Now, of course, I’m thinking about replacing the Cary 805s with a pair of ARC 160M’s. But I suppose that’s a discussion for another thread …

The Audio Research 6 is a beautiful preamp… I have owned a Ref 5SE for years and now for the last year a 6SE. To me the center of one’s audio system, with this preamp you cannot go wrong, yes, silent, but natural, dynamic and incredibly musical. Regardless of any of my other equipment I would recommend a ARC Ref 6… period. 

Thanks for the input! You’ve confirmed what I’ve read about the Ref 6: absolute silence.

I don't have experience with your speakers & amps but I doubt you'd have an issue. Some will say "ARC likes to match to ARC" but I matched the Ref 6 to both VAC and Rogue tube amps and it performed beautifully. Certainly the quietest tube preamp I've had on my 96dB Tannoys - the floor was is below audible, even right next to the speakers (a far cry from some). Good neutral clean detailed sound with a touch of sweetness - that will pair up well to almost everything. No fatigue factor or brightness nasties. It's wonderful. I love my VAC Master now, but sometimes I do wax nostalgic for the Ref 6. It offers a different perspective, especially in bass. It's the kind of component you might want to pick up again later after selling it.