ARC Reference 6 or Cary SLP 05 with upgrade?

Yeah, it's me again. The Voyager has settled in nicely and I think I would benefit from a better preamp. A friendly local dealer dropped by today with a ARC LS28. That was headed in the right direction but was not close to a $12,000 improvement. I could probably swing a used ARC Reference 6, but somehow the Cary SLP 05 has caught my attention. Everything I read about it is very positive but I don't know if it would lend more of a full sound than increased transparency. Has anyone been able to compare these two directly? 

Currently: Bricasti M3 > Rogue RP-7 > LSA Voyager > Fyne F1-8

One of the things that appeals to me about the Cary, aside from cost, is it uses 6sn7 tubes which are now being manufactured by Lin Lai and have a reputation for great sonics.

Anyway, I await your wisdom. 


Showing 3 responses by testrun

I have almost the same system and went with the Cary because it seemed like more tube rolling (sound tuning) options, tube rectified, separate power supply, talking to people and cost.  The remote is way over kill if just using for 2 channel.  Wish Cary would offer a minimalist remote option.  

Sound-I have a few hundred hours on it and really enjoy the improvement in bass, soundstage and midrange over my Rogue RP7.


I never listened to a Ref 6 but would buy the Cary again.  I don’t think you can go wrong with either. 

I too run a Bricasti M3, AGD Audions (class D) and moved from a Rogue RP7 with NOS tubes.  The Cary enhanced the sound in all the areas I was wanting.  I feel like I’m finally hearing my Joseph Audio Perspectives.  Sorry for rambling.  Reach out if you want to talk about “specific” detail. 

I got it with the upgrade.  Honestly when I buy anything I buy with resale in mind.  I tube rolling options are great the rectifier tubes based power supply is something I really wanted and would suggest for anyone buying a tube preamp.  The Cary is a collectible which is very important for resale fore everyone involved with this addition.  Signing off but think about it . 



Congrats on your decision.  Please let us know how it sounds.  I really don’t think you could have made a bad decision!!!