ARC D-76A Filter Cap Replacement

Anyone (Hifigeek1) know how to get the old twist lock filter caps off of the power supply board without trashing it? I'd like to change them to 220mfd/450vdc soon. This is a 1976 model and it's about time.

Also, I changed out the 1N5368B's to 1N5368BG's and now the fuse blows at start up. The polarity is correct and I'm chasing gremlins everywhere. I'm looking at V17's connections and resistors now. These transformers are tanks and I can't see opening a winding on one.

Any suggestions or advise will be appreciated.

I’ve never done it. I had my Dual 75a done over ten years ago through a dealer- I think they farmed out the work to Soundsmith, who was (and may still be) an authorized repair center for ARC.

Here’s the book with the schematics if you don’t have them:


Sorry, misquote. 680mfd/450V filter caps.

Also, why are C18 & 19 marked 150/400 on the latest schematic? Mine has 220/450 installed and worked great before the diode dilemma.