ARC D-115 use half of tubes

The amp is good but running hot and 5 am even in small volume. I don't need that 100w, somebody told me. I can use 4 of 6550s instead of 8.
Is that true? Which 4 I should remove? The two in roll or in line on each side? Thanks.

Showing 3 responses by daveyf

I own a D70MK2 and I think it is actually a better sounding amp than the bigger D115! The other plus, which I think a lot of tube amp users forget...or don't truly understand, is that the more tubes, the more heat and more potential for failure.
Some of the monster ARC amps with what....16 tubes or more, are IMHO just ASKING for trouble!
Lostbears, you say your D70 was thin sounding!!! Wow, you must have had one heckuva mismatch with your speakers...BUT don't blame the amp for the mismatch. IF you have another chance to hear a well set up D70 in a synergistic system, I suspect you would take back your suggestion about the D70 vs. the D115.
I used to own a Classic 60 before I owned my D70Mk2. IMO, the Classic 60 is not in the same league as the D70Mk2. While the Classic 60 is a good amp, I don't think it has anywhere near the midrange purity or the ability to float the soundstage like the D70Mk2. OTOH, the Classic 60 is easier in some ways to get running optimally, plus it is less demanding on the quality of the tube. Lostbears, unfortunately I strongly suspect that you never truly heard what your D70 could sound like.
Hifigeek1, I think the OP is talking about a D115. However, the same advice would apply.