ARC amplifier with Conrad Johnson Preamp

Hello guys 

Finally I’m starting to rebuild my audio again.

I sold all my gear few years ago and just kept my ARC ref75se power.
now I’m looking for shelf speakers and preamp

I have found Conrad Johnson Premier 14 at a decent price ..

Have anyone here ever experienced ARC with CJ

its always the fight between the two I wonder how they do together ?


thank you!


Showing 1 response by soix

Finding a good deal shouldn’t override what sound characteristics you’re looking for.  The CJ will likely have a much warmer/less detailed sound than your amp, so if that’s what you’re looking for it might be fine.  Personally if you like the sound of your amp I’d be looking at preamps from ARC, Atmasphere, LTA, Backert, etc. that are more neutral like your amp, but again it all depends on what sound you’re looking for.  FWIW, and best of luck.