Aragon Aurum PreAmp

I know this preamp is older technology compared to newer solid state preamps today with digital volume controls etc., but I'm wondering if it's still a good sounding, musical preamp? What would be today's selling price for this unit in mint condition? I'm interested in upgrading my 2 channel system but not sure if I replace the preamp or amp. Associated electronics are the Aurum with balanced xlr Straight Wire to an older Krell KSA150 amp. Front end disc player is included in my upgrade, and I'm not sure if replacing the Aurum is in the equation. I'm looking for good musical value-for-money upgrades. I know the sky is the limit with high-end equipment, but any suggestions are appreciated, thanks.
I had the Aurum pre with the Aragon 8008BB amp. The Aurum is a very well-built pre, and is also nice aesthetically. I upgraded to a Pass Aleph P pre, and the change was unbelievable. I was surprised a pre could have such a huge affect. You can probably find a non-remote version for around $1000. It's anybody's guess on what the Aurum would sell for. Maybe $500-600
Or spend you money treating the acoustics of your room, this will blow you away!
I own an aragon aurum, that I have used with palladiums, carver lightstar and musical fidelity amplifiers. I have compared it with preamps made by the above companies. The aragon is a very good preamp. It has strmgths and weknesses different than the MF 308 and the trivista, but I think it can hold its own. Its detail is probably less then the best, but not much. It has very good bass control and dynamics. I think that (IMHO) that you can get a different sound but not obvioulsy superior sound at 1.5 -2.5k level. A super preamp in the ilk of CJ ART, VTL's newest or something of that nature may sound obviosly superior, I wouldn't know. I think stories like Noonans are more related to taste than obvious superiority. The aleph P is an active passive design, and a universally acclaimed component that I haven't heard so there may be a big difference, but that is likely more related to the strengths of the pass rather than weaknesses of the aurum. By the way the aurum was probably aragons best product ever, the potentiometer was pretty much the best available at that time. So I guess I would say, unless you can find somrthing youve heard that you like better, I would make upgrading the aurm a lesser priorty. Speakers and room always seem to have the most dramatic effects IMHO.