AR9LS Speakers - a good buy at $1k

I have an opportunity to buy a pair of vintage AR9LS speakers. Although I’m not familiar with this brand/model I was looking for some experienced feedback on whether $1k is a good buy or if I would be better served by buying something else newer. Thoughts/recommendations?
Acoustic Research was a top of the line speaker. The company folded many years ago. The AR9 is a 40 year old speaker. IMO, you should save that $1K and buy a newer speaker. Here is the information on the AR9!
Thanks @yogiboy , what newer speakers would you recommend that would fit the $1k budget?  I'm open to new or used and was originally thinking about pairing a set of Bose 901's with 501's that would play a range of music (rock, r&b, top 40, classical, jazz, acoustic, etc.)
What kind of amp are you using? This new JBL Stage A-180 and A-170 is under a grand. I’ve never listened to a Bose speaker so I can’t give you an opinion on that brand!
A review on the A-170
If it was a nice AR LST and you can get the drivers repaired if needed I would say OK. The AR9 was not a very popular speaker in it's day and AR loudspeakers were near their end times. There are much better loudspeakers available today. The Bose 901 is not one of them (not a Bose bash, I owned two pairs of them).