Ar ethe current LP's available for $25 or so as goos as the old ones.

How about the $1500 plus ones?  Are they worth the money to people with more resources than me, or just for people who feel better about always paying a lot to try to have the best of everything?

Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

chakster is right, we need to distinguish between record collectors and audiophiles. I actually hadn't even thought about that. I assumed the OP was talking about new ultra-audiophile issues where the specialized and limited pressing drives the price sky high.
Truth is the only way to know is to buy one and listen to it. There are plenty of original run vintage records that will never be bettered. The vast majority of expensive reissues are new and quiet- and sound nowhere near as good as a really good vintage copy. If you can get your hands on a really good vintage copy. That is the question.

Because every record ever made, then or now, they just do not come off the stamper absolutely perfect copies that all sound the same. Some have problems, some are okay, and a rare few sound so much better than the rest you can hardly believe it. 

The fundamental problem is we are trying to press into vinyl a record that contains so much incredibly fine detail its down to the size of a large organic molecule. Sometimes lightning strikes and we get it right. But you can't tell by looking. You can't tell by label. You can't tell by the MoFi Half Speed Original Master Tape Quiex super thick 200g yada yada story. You can only tell by listening.

If you do have the money and if you really do want the best sound you can always pay Tom Port to do your listening for you. Expensive, yes. But worth every penny.