Aqua 'La Diva' ($9k) or Gryphon 'Ethos' ($39k) versus. Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 T ($3k)?

What sensible rationale is there for buying either of the two above-mentioned VERY COSTLY CD spinners (Aqua ’La Diva,’ a CD-only transport, and the Gryphon ’Ethos,’ a CD player with built-in DAC) when we can get the same pure Red-Book CD digital output from the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 T for FAR less money?

What is a potential buyer getting for their significantly increased expenditure other than fancy packaging and possibly a boost to their egos from ownership of a prestige brand-name item? The one component (and a crucially-significant one at that) which all three of these products have in common is the new Philips-based Stream Unlimited CD Pro 8 CD player mechanism. Aside than that, what one appears to get with the two far-higher-priced components is little more than pure window-dressing, not substantive gains in performance over the CD Box RS2 T.

It is little wonder that one reviewer of the RS2 T thinks of it as nothing less than a "giant killer," in that it makes it nearly impossible for any level-headed purchaser, even one with the means to spend lavishly, to rationalize spending thousands of dollars more on these two competing products (or on others like them) when one can get the same sonic results (which from most reports are splendid) from the humble little CD Box.

Any thoughts? Do we audiophiles finally have good reason to come to our buying senses? To me, Pro-Ject Audio Systems may have struck a true winning vein with their CD Box when prospecting for gold.


Showing 19 responses by jerryg123

@thyname are they being sent to gas chambers like your anti Semitic butt insinuated I will be in last post?

I am a JDL Robot.

Not going away you anti Semite

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From: thyname (Skerdi Kostreci)
Jan 1, 2022 2:50am

And may you fuck in peace! I will find you and hunt you. Like a dog. Come early 2025!

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And again @thyname sent all these emails to the JDF and AALDF you see I am Asian clown!

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From: thyname (Skerdi Kostreci)
Jan 1, 2022 2:50am

And may you fuck in peace! I will find you and hunt you. Like a dog. Come early 2025!

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@thyname is an anti Asian and anit Semite.

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From: thyname (Skerdi Kostreci)
Jan 1, 2022 2:50am

And may you fuck in peace! I will find you and hunt you. Like a dog. Come early 2025!

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Anti Semite.

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From: thyname (Skerdi Kostreci)
Jan 1, 2022 2:50am

And may you fuck in peace! I will find you and hunt you. Like a dog. Come early 2025!

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From: thyname (Skerdi Kostreci)
Jan 1, 2022 2:50am

And may you fuck in peace! I will find you and hunt you. Like a dog. Come early 2025!

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Not stopping>

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From: thyname (Skerdi Kostreci)
Jan 1, 2022 2:50am

And may you Puck in peace! I will find you and hunt you. Like a dog. Come early 2025!

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Anti Semite @thyname 

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From: thyname (Skerdi Kostreci)
Jan 1, 2022 2:50am

And may you Puck in peace! I will find you and hunt you. Like a dog. Come early 2025!

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@atomicstan you are that ignorant. Lol Tammy will sort through this as I sent it it and you will look silly. 

Replace the P with an F this guy wants all who do not conform to die!

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From: thyname (Skerdi Kostreci)
Jan 1, 2022 2:50am

And may you Puck in peace! I will find you and hunt you. Like a dog. Come early 2025!

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@nonoise you are complacent and I am disappointed. 

See you in FC…..ooops thought I was an Afro Asian Clown….


you Re named.

I did and this disgusting subhuman continues to message me.

He is also in goose step with quite a few of you!

look at the history and you are sucked right in there.


Do not care noise when you send me this:

I will turn lose the the JDF as my wife is a Jew and I have the entire Anti Semitic rant.


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From: thyname (Skerdi Kostreci)
Jan 1, 2022 2:50am

And may you fuck in peace! I will find you and hunt you. Like a dog. Come early 2025!

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So if I get tossed I do not care. @thyname  is making terrorist threats.

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From: thyname (Skerdi Kostreci)
Jan 1, 2022 2:50am

And may you fuck in peace! I will find you and hunt you. Like a dog. Come early 2025!

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This is after i called this clown out as ant Anti Semite for making Gas Chamber Comments:

New Message

From: thyname (Skerdi Kostreci)
Jan 1, 2022 2:00am

Here is my real name and persona. You have no clue dude. This is coming. Come 2024. Be ready. We all have to do something about this. Before it’s too late. I hate to say this. But it’s coming. It’s all up to you and being complacent. Sorry for being blunt. It’s the truth.

Go ahead and call me disgusting. It’s fine. I am telling you what it is. I know. Peace. We will need it