Apple to Windows...Questions

Currently running a 24" iMac bought new in 2008 and I've recorded a ton of LPs to .aiff files via Audacity which now reside in iTunes. Due to financial setbacks/major life changes I doubt very much that this computer system will be replaced with another Mac when it eventually fails. How seamlessly can I expect the transfer and utilization of these music files to be going to, say, a $600 (new) Windows machine? Currently I'm using a fairly basic wireless setup for music consisting of computer>Airport Extreme>Airport Express>stereo receiver/speakers in which iTunes is controlled by the "Remote" app on my cell phone. The info I've encountered via Google search thus far hasn't been fully explanatory...Any input/advice here would be welcome.

Showing 1 response by almarg

My experience with Windows based computers is that to keep them working adequately (ie. half speed or better) I need to reinstall Windows at least once per year - wiping everyting on the HD out.
That is a common experience among Windows PC users, but it can be avoided by following some basic good practices. Admittedly, doing so requires time and attention that is mostly unnecessary with Mac's.

I have had numerous Windows XP computers in use in my house for many years, as well as one Windows 7 computer. Every one of them works very fast, very stably, and as well as when it was new. And I have never had to do a re-install of the operating system on any of them, even when the hard drive containing the operating system has failed (I use a drive imaging program).

For a summary of those practices, see my post here.

In this case, though, I do second the suggestion of a Mac Mini, unless the computer would be used for additional applications that would make Windows and/or a more powerful computer the better choice.

-- Al