I have a new refurbished Apple phone that I have spent quit a bit of time trying to contact somebody at Apple to fix it....Its one month old......I have to wonder how a person can call a Apple person without spending the rest of there life trying to contact someone in the communication business.....I have tried e-mail, of course no body has a phone number, but if your phone doesn;t work , how would you call them anyhow......Maybe I should just sell it and get another brand that works.............What do you think ?? 

Showing 1 response by p05129

Autospec- I’m going to call bs on your threads about apple being rude and no help. You have to be working for the 2nd or 3rd rate vendor. I’ve had apple many decades since the apple II and never once had apple been rude/no help on any product. I have spent hours working on a problem a couple of times in almost 50 years and I have returned a product or 2 during these years for a replacement without apple batting an eye