Apple iTunes or What Else

My Apple iTunes has 2500 CDs or records on a separate hard drive on a Mac computer. All the music is in AIFF files, and the sound is excellent.  The music is streamed wirelessly using Apple Airport Express. My amp is a current Rotel Integrated with DAC and capabilities for optical or coaxial. I use both depending on my mood. The speakers are Monitor Audio Gold 100 which I love. My question is: " What other software would one recommend if I wanted to move away from Apple iTunes. Not dissatisfied but explore a change. Software must operate on Mac OS system.

Showing 1 response by mgattmch

I use a MacBook Air (latest version) with Audirvana Plus (v 3.5) in this system:

Running FLAC files and Tidal; results are extremely good IMHO. I have no plans to change anything. Well, maybe upgrade the McIntosh C50 to a C52.

I recently upgraded my HT Oppo UDP-205 DAC to run MQA (free firmware upgrade from Oppo) with the MacBook Air; speakers are B&W 802D and Krell TAS 5C amp. Again, results are very impressive running Tidal MQA. Once again, I have no plans to upgrade anything. Well, we shall see!

I find Audirvana Plus very easy to use, especially with Tidal. Overall sound quality is outstanding. Very happy with this setup,
