Apple Airport Express Very Cool Product

Just wanted to share my experience with this product. I have become a big fan of my iPod and using iTunes and just received my Airport express and it is awesome! Setup was not exactly as easy as you would think but I finally figured it out. The Sound Quality is similair to the iPod but the mult-room and flexibility of this is worth the sacrafice! Anyway, if you are using itunes check it out..


Showing 2 responses by dmoffitt

you don't need to modify ANYTHING - i bought one, bought a miniToslink to Toslink adaptor, plugged the cable into my musical fidelity trivista, and started playing both streaming audio and music off my computer via AIFF (uncompressed) just fine... sounds great too.
transit = GARBAGE. POS wants to upsample everything to 48k

the express setup is:

Macintosh HD : Applications : Utilities