Apollo R + Codex v. different CDP or Ayre QX

My current system is an Ayre AX-7e with Apollo R or MH 5 TT as source, with Sig 2 Ce’s.
 I mostly listen to CDs and look forward to more streaming via Tidal or Spotify Hi Rez(use both).
Ultimately I plan on following the Ayre/Vandy upgrade paths. 
Ive been thinking of adding a Codex and using the Apollo as transport to the Codex via Toslink, vs adding a different balanced CDP, vs waiting for Ayre to release more in the 8 series. 
As to other CDP’s I was thinking of a used ARC CD8($4,500- IDK on tube hrs), or Cary 306 SACD($2,750), both of which have BurrBrown DACs and balanced output l. 
A recent conversation with a dealer that’s expert in Ayre and Vandy, suggested I wait for the 8 series release, and hinted at an Ayre spinner release in the not distant future. 

Showing 2 responses by gdnrbob

Codex would be a great move, in my opinion, especially if you are thinking of moving to steaming music.
I run the Codex with a Bluesound Node and stream Tidal and Spotify. ( I also have the Ayre AX-7e and a pair of Zu Omen Bookshelves. The Vandy Treo's are downstairs).
Once I bought the Codex and started streaming, I haven't cracked open a jewel box in 2 years. The Bluesound allows me to have music in my office and Living room synced. It works like a charm and the Codex(s) really improve upon the internal Bluesound DAC.
Whoo, that is a great move!

Do I dare move up to a EX-8? 
Heck, I still need to find a KX-R.
...Such are the trials of this 'hobby'