Apogeee/Bryston Advice needed

Looking at the Bryston B100st to mate with Apogee Slant 6/ARC CD 3, with Rigde Street Poeima IC. Would the sound be too cool or too analitical? Speed wise the Bryston should be a good fit, opinions please? Thanks

Showing 1 response by br3098

Well, I'm going to agree and disagree with Muralman1. You don't need a lot of power for your Apogee hybrids - unless you want anywhere near decent bass response.

If you were open to tubes, you could have a great sounding system with something like a CJ Premier 11A, maybe an MV-60 or better yet a BAT VK-60. This setup might be a little bass shy for rock music, but the mids and highs will be so sweet it will make you cry. The classic SS pairing for the Apogee hybrids is a McCormack DNA 125 or better. I use a Songraphe SA-400 with my Cepheus 6s and it kicks ass. The SA-250 or a CJ SS amp would also work well.

IMHO, is you want to use a SS amp you should consider a tube preamp. If done right, you can get both some bass slam and still retain tube liquidity. You have a lot of choices here: ARC LS-16/26, CJ PV-10/11/12 (L versions if you are a digital guy) or any Premier product. My favorite is any Audio Note preamp, but especially the M3 and above. (careful matching to a SS amp is required) I've also had good results with the McCormack RLD and TLC line stages. Lots of other good choices here.

Finally, I would try other CD players as well. I had an ARC CD2, and it didn't do it for me with the Apogee speakers. Too analytical and cold for my taste. I am much happier with my old standby, the Meridian 508.24, but I would trade it for a G08 in a second, or an Audio Note digital transport/DAC.