The cheapest amps that would do a good job would be Icepower amps, such as Wyred 4 Sound or PS Audio GCAs. They will drive very low impedance/inefficient speakers like the Divas w/ ease.
Apogee Diva Ribbon Speakers - I need an amp
I recently moved to a new home and the former owner left his audio and video equipment. As a result, I now have a pair of Apogee Diva Ribbon speakers which are (were) powered by a pair of Krell Audio Standard 2 (KAS2) amps. This was great until one of the Krell amps died. Now I need to replace the amp.
This may be a bizarre question but does anyone have suggestions for a reasonably priced amp that can power these speakers 'well'. I understand that the word 'well' is subjective but I need a stereo amp with balanced inputs that won't break the bank - but can handle these beasts.
This may be a bizarre question but does anyone have suggestions for a reasonably priced amp that can power these speakers 'well'. I understand that the word 'well' is subjective but I need a stereo amp with balanced inputs that won't break the bank - but can handle these beasts.