Anyone with Manley Chinook use a custom Power Cord?

Does anyone have experience using a different power cord with a Manley Chinook other than the one supplied from Manley?  If yes, what was your experience with it?  Did it really make a difference?

Showing 4 responses by jbhiller


The Chinook uses a 30uF cap on the outputs to RCA.  I'm thinking of trying a 10uF.
I took Lewm's advice, but I also did a bit of math and consulted some smart dudes on DIY forums.  I went from 30, down to 3.3uF, as it did appear that cap was way overkill. 

Still breaking things in (and I only dry fitted the 3.3uFs).  Things are punchy and pretty much within the sonic signature.  Very interesting.  I'll need time to assess. 
I also replaced 3 of the 4 ceramic cast resistors on the power supply side for Mills 10w military spec.  

I removed the 3.3uF and put in a 12uF.  I think the 12uF sounds better, but I'm not sure why.  Maybe Manley was on to something with the 30uF--a little bigger than normal or calculated values sounds better.  

I used VCap ODAMs and had to wrap them in silicone tape to be sure the bodies do not conduct. 

Finally, one of my Sparkos labs discrete op amps went bad last year so I'm back to the Burr Browns.  I think the cap upgrade sounds better than the Sparkos.  I'm going to email Sparkos and ask for a refund or replacement as there's no reason it should die in a year. 
Lewm  exactly! Well said abs better than I could put into words.
I used VCap ODAMs in that position. Easy surgery.