Anyone with experience with Spendor D9's?

Curious to know... they are Spendor’s modern big boy speaker... I have not heard it. Reviews of course are always suspect and not that informative.

Wondering if there are any owners here or others who have in depth knowledge of how these sound, compared to the usual suspects that would be cross shopped... upper Harbeths, ProAcs, KEFs...

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Showing 1 response by verdantaudio

I haven't heard the D9s but spent a little time with the D7s.  Smooth and very natural sound.  I was pleasantly surprised and seemed extremely neutral to me. 

Need to be paired with a neutral to slightly forward amp to meet my taste.   Personally much prefer these to the Kef Reference line or the B&W 804s.  With Naim gear they sounded dark where Naim would pair well with Kef Reference, 804s or even the Focal Kanta No 2 and Sopra No 2.  If your amplification is warmer I would lean toward Focal in that price range assuming you can tolerate how they look.  

Harbeth is a different animal.  Excellent speaker but you have to like Harbeth's sound.  I like it, don't love it.  Never heard a ProAc