Anyone with Aric Audio experience?

Over the past 2.5 years I have been updating my system which I originally started building  in the late 1990's to early 2000's. (My system is in my profile) Two of the last pieces of that era in the system is the VAC CLA1 Mk III Preamp which has been serviced twice these past 1.5 years, once for an upgrade to Mk III and once to replace resister's,  I also have a VAC Renaissance 70/70 amp which was updated to a Signature 1 year ago but this past week I lost the left channel output so it's going back to Florida with me from Michigan to get repaired while i am down there. (I just re tubed it too) I think that although these are both great sounding to this day I may want to keep them as spares for the future or as Kevin refers to them as Museum Pieces. 

I don't think I would be happy long term with solid state as I can run my speakers internally amped and the Wavelet as the pre, which I have tried and it's just not for me. Even with the amp down when i just run the VAC preamp and the speakers self powered  I prefer it that way. But immediately sensed something missing once the amp was taken out of the chain to be boxed for repair. I just prefer tubes. Well unfortunately I cannot afford to replace with up to date VAC components due to my restricted retired income and the cost. I don't want to take a chance on sourcing used units as I really just want to be done here and enjoy without risk.


I've researched  Aric Audio and this looks like a pairing I can integrate into my rig and be happy long term. Seems that I get the impression that those that have his stuff are happy from what I have gleaned on these forums. I am in communication with Aric via email to find the right Amp and Preamp to suit my speakers. Since I already have a 300B based amp was looking for something else he makes. Maybe with 20-50 WPC. My speakers require at least 10 and i am currently at 65 with the VAC.


So if anyone has bought anything from Aric how happy are you with them and have they been reliable and satisfying to your ears? This is going to take me quite a while to save for so I will just use what I have until i can buy their replacements. The good news is the speakers can be self powered and the Wavelet can be a preamp if needed. That was my contingency plan for "spares"


Thank you for any insight.

Happy New Year!


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I know Aric. We've never met, but I feel like I know Aric. More importantly, I feel like Aric knows me -- his communication and customer service skills are on par with what comes off his bench. Across the last decade, I have purchased the following equipment from Aric Audio: Preamps (4) -- A pair of mirror image Linestage Preamps called The Twins, a Transcend Preamp, a C3M Linestage, and a Super 6SN7 Linestage; Amps (3) -- Transcend Push-Pull Mono Blocks, a Super KT 88 120 SE, and a Custom 300B PSET; Loudspeakers (2) -- a pair of Dynaltos, and a pair of Animus Loudspeakers. In every case the build quality has been excellent and the performance level, well, all punch well above their weight making them a steal at the prices he charges. He's a one man show so everything you see, he's crafted, built, soldered or stained it, and it didn't come off his bench until it had a dead black, ear-to-the-speaker background. When the SS vs tubes debate surfaces, relative to "serious listening", I just smile, but don't care to comment. I hope his business plan returns him to the familiar waters of building loudspeakers too, because both pairs that I bought from him further promote the idea that if it says "Aric Audio" on it, you're going to be very happy with it. He has my highest endorsement.