Anyone used these audio ceramic slow blow fuses from Littlefuse?

While perusing the fuse offerings at Mouser Electronics I noticed these audio/medical fuses priced at around $9.00 US. As someone who has been reluctant to spend the price for the highest priced audiophile fuses, these more reasonably priced offerings caught my eye. Just curious if anyone has had occasion to try them and form an opinion. I must say the attention to quality control, ratings specifications, and published testing results make these look more appealing to me than the rather vague specs of many "audiophile" fuses.

Showing 3 responses by nonoise

Thanks for mentioning the comparison of the rhodium capped fuses to the SR Blue fuses. I've always wondered if the added cost over the PADIS fuses would be worth it. As it is, I get excellent decay, ambience, detail and extension with the PADIS, along with the wonderful tone you mention, so I think I'll stick with them and pocket the difference. 👍

But I can see how it would be a no-brainer to get some of those free rhodium capped Littlefuses. 🤔

All the best,
Celander, yes, I've been following this and other threads and really don't mind the back and forth. It's just the attitude and closed minded nature of some that gets my hackles up. 

I've seen that video of Paul's and linked it before and yet those who've seen it just dismiss it as not valid enough for them to consider it. There's only so much one can do.....

As for the costs of the Littlefuses, I'll gladly pay twice that for the PADIS fuses as they go further in their construction and metallurgy and still meet all criteria for rating from the good old USA to Europe to Asia. 👍

All the best,
The advantage of LittleFuse is that their fuses are real, tested, certified by real testing labs. Audiophile fuses are generally not tested by anyone and would likely fail those tests. I read a test report on the ones from Germany. The report was a joke, meaningless, proved nothing.
PADIS fuses are UL, PSE and SEMKO approved, and are German made. I think you need to broaden your knowledge of what's out there. 

Basing your rant on aftermarket fuses on one brand that you heard about doesn't make you an expert on them. I've tried 3 different brands and they all have their own sonic signature and I've yet to build an amp and lord over people with what I know about them. 

You can come across as very condescending. 

All the best,