anyone use line doubler w/Sharp xvz9000u projector

Hi I was wondering if anyone who owns this projector has used a line doubler/processor/scaler with it. I was looking at the Faroudja Native Rate Series but don't know which would be the best one for this projector and how much of a difference it makes. Sharp wasn't able to advise me on this. Faroudja never got back to me.
Also, I heard that only the models made after Feb 2002 allowed you to bypass the internal scaler, but when I called Sharp they said that all models are the same regardless of when it was made. They said that the only way to bypass the internal scaler is to use the 15 pin computer input (get an adapter to convert the component video to 15 pin).
Does this sound right? I would appreciate anyone's experience in this area. Thanks in advance!

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You might want to check over at in the "> $5K projector" forum. Lots of knowledgable folks over there, including a LOT of Sharp 9000 users...