Anyone use a subwoofer system with YG Carmel

Anyone have success using a subwoofer with YG Carmel speakers? I am thinking a subwoofer if integrated correctly might add some volume and weight to the lower bass frequecny. Don't get me wrong the bass of the carmel is really good just that on some music material it would be better  to have a little more volume and weight at the lower bass frequencies.

One feature I personally appreciate about yg is their sealed enclosure. I wouldn't add a ported sub. 
I own YG Carmels. The bass is tight and articulate. Which some say is a negative "review". I mostly listen to Classical and acoustic jazz and some late 60s/70s don't bogart that joint rock. The Bass is very adequate. I have since purchase upgraded speaker cables, AC chords, rack shelves and various anti resonance and vibration doodads. All custom made commensurate with the cost of YG Carmels. It negated the need for a sub woofer. Now not only do you hear a clean, NON wooly bass no matter what I play, but you can FEEL it in your diaphram. These changes took the Carmels to another dimension. The guy who made this stuff is a genius with degrees in just about every engineering field. I've never been to an audio show, but at 72 years old, I have the best sounding system I ,personally, ever heard. Oh, and I'm a lifetime working musician. Sounds better than any live. band equipment in my experience.
i agree with your assessment  regarding be Carmel's bass. I am very satisfied with the bass quality. The bass is tight, tuneful, precise and goes down to the sub 40hz range. It's just that on some  material I believe the Carmel's are lacking in bass volume in the sub 40hz range, there is only so much air a 7" mid/woofer can move. I am assuming this is the most significant difference between the Carmel and its bigger brethren. I am only considering augmenting the Carmel's with a subwoofer because the quality of a sub today may make  it  possible  to integrate a subwoofer without effecting the Carmel sound as long as the crossover for the sub is in the sub 40hz range. I think more volume in the very low bass frequency would lock in the soundstage to  provide  an even greater illusion of
performance venue.
I agree that integration is difficult. I just moved from DEQX, which was the only solution I liked, to a Bel Canto Black EX DAC. Listening to Usher Yeah!  Wonderful.