Anyone tried Stan Warren/Supermod Player

Stan Warren of Supermod in Eugene Oregon one of the original founders of PS Audio modifies DVD Players. Has anyone ever tried one or heard one??
Sug- I've heard a couple of different "SuperMod"ed products and thought the improvements quite worthwhile. I've had nothing but good experiences with his products. Considering his mod costs, they represent good value based on sound engineering. Though I've not heard his DVD mods, I would certainly consider them.
Sugarbrie, I have an Adcom 5802 modified by Stan Warren for 300 dollars. Stan is an incredible modifier. He can make a Teac 100 dollar CD Player into a great sounding CD Player. He can modify any CD Player. I would get a better CD Player then the Teac and have Stan Warren modify it.
Twilo, when did you get your Adcom modified? Stan modified a 5802 for me, too, but for $400 + parts. Can't complain with the end result. I really like Stan and his work speaks for itself.
Stan is suggesting a modified Pioneer 24bit DVD Player. Either $200 or $250 depending on what is done. This is not the cost of the DVD player which I would buy and mail to him. He feels it would as good as any modified 24bit CD player, so why not get a great DVD player at the same time.
I've spoken to andy bartha about his mod to the pioneer 525 and read about stan warren's. assuming i decide to have this done, what's the downside, if any to using the toslink for h/t and the coax to the msb link dac III? both in terms of using both digital outs and any possible interaction and of course the quality of signal by toslink.