Anyone tried Stan Warren/Supermod Player

Stan Warren of Supermod in Eugene Oregon one of the original founders of PS Audio modifies DVD Players. Has anyone ever tried one or heard one??

Showing 4 responses by twilo

Sugarbrie, I have an Adcom 5802 modified by Stan Warren for 300 dollars. Stan is an incredible modifier. He can make a Teac 100 dollar CD Player into a great sounding CD Player. He can modify any CD Player. I would get a better CD Player then the Teac and have Stan Warren modify it.
By Ehfm, You probably had the full Modification. I didn't get the full mod. But in the future i will. How do you like the way your Adcom 5802 sounds after the mod. You can email me.
I'v also heard about this Aiwa CD Changer. Someone told me, it sounded better then the Wadia top of the line CD Player. I heard the Aiwa CD Changer with the Stan Warren mod, makes an amazing Transport. Just get a good Dac.
Joe_b, If you get the mod done on the Aiwa CD Changer, Hear the Aiwa before the Mod. Then tell us how the Aiwa sounds with the Mod.