Anyone tried changing OPAMPS in Music Hall A25.2?

I have just chnaged the OPAMPS in my Music Hall A25.2 from the stock Burr-Brown OPA134 for some Burr-Brown OPA2107 units and holy shit there is difference in the sound. It is very noticable and very much better! The deliniation of instruments great, bass drive is far better, smoother treble and no more of that goofy midrange weirdness. I run Modified Klipsch Chorus II's and the bottom end just came to life. I am really suprised at the results! The opamps were $30 for the pair from digikey, they rip you hard core on shipping though $10 for like shipping a 3x5 inch box of air. (oh well) They did come pretty quickly.

Showing 1 response by mechans

Evidently the Australian Burson company of DAC fame makes modified Op amps are the rollable into MH. These are expensive but are reported to be incredible.