Anyone tighten up drivers occasionally

Out of curiosity I checked the tightness of the mounting bolts on my Revel speakers today. Probably the 2nd time I have done that in a decade. I could turn each bolt maybe 1/16 of a turn (curiously, one woofer bolt took a 1/4 turn). Anyone check their drivers on occasion? systems been off since, and wonder if I will hear anything different-

Showing 1 response by seikosha

I've seen some interesting discussions about this with the DIY speaker builder and manufacturer crowd. Apparently, you have to exercise caution in over tightening the drivers as you can kind of torque or twist the basket of the driver which in turn can throw off the driver's performance because it's not operating in a truly flat plane anymore. The theory does make sense. The consensus among that crowd is that you don't need to tighten them down as much as you might think.