Anyone talked to Dean from PSE?

Has anyone got a hold of Dean from PSE? I sent a set of Studio MK V amps in for repair over a year ago. I spoke to him quite a few times and he always told me he was just getting to them. Now over the last two months I have not been able to get a hold of him. His phone number was disconnected and sent to a new number. I get his answering machine every time I call. I leave messages every time but he has not got back to me. Did he go out of business?
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Showing 2 responses by tbg

Jw94055, you would rather quality products not appear with the builder trying to make a go of it since many try but fail? Very curious sentiments.

I had PSE amps long ago. I talked on occasion with Dean but more importantly I found the amps quite good and dependable. I never had any problems. I think it unlikely that even the very best products don't have parts failure after 10 or 15 years.