Anyone still using a TRL modded Sony?

I got a decent deal on a DVP NS900V that I was thinking about having modded by TRL.

The glowing reviews of the modded 595 and 900 are all a year or two old now, so I wondered if there are folks out there who are still happy with their players?



Showing 1 response by joelmilr

Just received my TRL modded sacd Sony ce-595 player. I live in Israel and this would have been an impossible mission if not for the never ending support of Paul Weitzel at TRL. It took a while for the snowstorms to stop so that it could be shipped. His expertise never failed for a moment when it didn't work at first, and he walked me through each step of checking the transformer (220 volts over here) until he advised me to use a 20 A fuse to allow for the original kick in. And so it did – it kicked in and has been working for three days now.
Yes, it is still a very young machine and yet straight out of the box, I count the minutes every day until I can go home to sit down and listen to music - classical or jazz, and some good Van Morrison. What can I say, the smile has never left my face.
I went to bed the first night just thinking of what I just heard and the smile stayed plastered to my face. I am no audio expert so I can't explain the sound in a very professional fashion, but to me it is so clear and deep, and rich, and detailed, that I am just having a lot of fun and good concentrated listening.
Even the wife, when she heard it for the first time, said 'Hey that sounds good', and if you knew her, then you would know that something revolutionary has happened to the sound of music in our house with this new deck.
I will let it burn in for the next few weeks, and will be back to let you know more.
Thanks Paul and Brian at TRL for a great sacd player, and exceptional customer service on a very personal level.
Can't recommend it enough!!