Anyone running Quad 22L speakers?

Looking for your input on the Quad 22L’s. Thx Jason

Showing 1 response by chazzbo

I heard tthem and thought like one reviewer said tough to beat in under $3K price range.Andrewdoan don't reccomend this to most folks because think that tubes should only be used in integral way (i.e as volatge reulation in pre-not as add on to CD players output) you sound like you might like the Tube buffer unit made by Muiscal Fidelity.Plus try some cardas cables.Othe roption in used market would be Audio Physic Sparks,Tempos,Padua.B&W, and Spendro for that Brit sound.Spendor 5se on up (I like the 8) are great values as well.too bad you can't get 22L's into your rig for 30 days and decide.BTW the new $2,800 Zu Druids do come with 30 day return and have goten nuty good reviews.Ahout 75% think they are audio's equivailant to Second Comming and 25% have equally pasionate thumbs down.Worth reading reviews and maybe taking for a spoin.Do not need a lot of power.I know it's a huge step up but B&W 803N's used (were $5K) since new version can be bought for $3500 and now even $3K .HUGE step up inpeformance.Need 200 watts to really work but man if you can swing price and size have the current it would be a keeper.