Anyone replace the batteries in their AudioQuest DBS packs?

I just replaced 48 batteries in 8 AudioQuest 72-volt DBS packs (4 packs on my shotgun bi-wired CV-8 speaker cables, and 4 packs across 2 pair of XLR Colorado interconnects). Although I purchased all these cables new from Music Direct 1 year ago, I really have no idea how long these cables were in storage prior to purchase. The LED test light showed all packs as OK, but I'd rather spend the $30 (Amazon) for a 50-pack of Energizers and swap them out early than discover a leaky battery.

I listed to the same CD before and after...and heard a difference. I didn't expect this. Anyone else replace the batteries in their AudioQuest DBS packs and notice a difference?

Showing 1 response by mapman

I have not checked the batteries in DBS on my cv6 wires for a while.   Guess I should.   Things sound good and I've not paid much attention to DBS devices since acquiring.