Anyone remember the days before bells and whistles!



Showing 1 response by dogearedaudio

There were plenty of "bells and whistles" in the old days! ;-) A high-end Fisher setup might comprise two "Z-Matic" monoblocks with damping controls, a "control center" preamp with balance, treble, bass, loudness, rumble filter, various LP EQ settings (RIAA, FFRR, Columbia, AES, and flat for 78s), a reverb box for "spatial" effects, not to mention a wired remote volume control. Even your speakers might have controls for mids and highs, or tube-driven crossovers. Then your sources--tuner, multi-plex converter, reel-to-reel, and turntable. You were lucky if you didn’t break your neck tripping over all the wires.

Now you get hi-rez music with a little box and a pair of self-powered speaks. ;-)