Anyone remember the days before bells and whistles!



Showing 4 responses by asvjerry

I remember those Marantz 'scopes....have a cute program that gives one that and a wave and sine simultaneously and you can fool around with its' settings.... ;)

The more Important Question to me is:

What the hell is that in her hand? 

@thecarpathian *LOL*   ...held in a way she could whup the back of Dudley D. Dunces' head when he intones that 'those 5$/ft. cables would make the system sound Even Better'.... 😏

I'm impressed by the suggestion of very early Bluetoothed equipment....early alien affects 'n effects, I'd guess.....  That could also explain why this 'couple' is dressed in that fashion and the space looks very spaced...

Annnd The Space, itself.....

OMVarious 'n sundry tin gawds....."Decor by the Blind for the Damned" comes to mind, if only mine....

No wonder early experiments with hallucinogens were occurring in that era.....

IF you'd tossed 'n barred me into that 'room' heavily anesthetized, I'd still be in the rubber room with that nicely-fitted canvas coat.. that would.....




...more later, I'm a little tied-up at the moment... J

@mapman .....still recovering from the 'follow-thru' from her retort:

"...just whistle.... You know how to whistle, don't you?"

....spend the rest of the night making 'putt putt' noises going nowhere in particular.... *LOL*