Anyone Remeber CMC Stereo?

The recent thread about the Radio Shack 1990 catalog brought back a lot of memories and made me wish we still had brick and mortar stores as an option. Another popular chain back in the day was CMC Stereo stores, that sold mostly mid-fi products, with product lines like Pioneer, Kenwood, and Technics. They were also into car stereo big-time, and did thousands of after-market installs. Amazingly, I still have their catalog from 1976 that I picked up at one of their stores in Atlanta, where I lived at the time. The only brick and mortar store in Atlanta that is still in business from that era is Hi-Fi Buys, where I picked up a Thorens TD-160 in 1975 or thereabouts.


Allied Radio, Pacific Stereo, Olson Electronics. These are the chains I remember (does Circuit City count?). Never heard of CMC. What region did they serve?

You had to ask that, which made me remember that the 1976 catalog had a listing of all of their stores and the states they were located in. No wonder very few have heard of them....they only had maybe 35 - 40 stores, mostly concentrated in five mid-western states. Inexplicably, nine of those stores were in the Atlanta area, and I guess that gave me the impression they had a larger national presence. The name they operated under was CMC Stereo Centers, but everyone just called them CMC. This is obviously going to turn into a 'never-mind' thread.