Anyone refinished a plinth?

I have a Thorens TD 160 on the way. It has what I assume is a plinth made of particle board (?) with a thin wood veneer on top. I'd like to get a black finish with some of the wood grain showing. What are the steps? I assume starting off with a very careful sanding of the veneer to get the gloss off, and then begin the staining process?

Let me know if this is something not for the novice.


Showing 2 responses by adnan

Great, thanks for the feedback. I may be a bit out of my league with trying to get the grain to show through... how difficult is a piano black finish, with no grain showing?

Thanks so much for the very detailed and helpful responses. I've decided to get with one of my friends who has a lot of experience woodworking, and have him help me out. When the TT gets here, I'll probably decide between refinishing the existing plinth, or starting off creating a new hardwood plinth. Thanks again!